2022 - Present
Abstract Painting
Ms. Meikle predominately teaches abstract painting with 501(c)3 Arts Plus. She is currently seeking space to facilitate more classes.
2023 - Present
This fast paced class is for creatives to find their unique style. These are held at The VAPA Center and happen every few months.
2008 - Present
Teens and kids Art Classes
She has had the loving opportunity to work with the Orlando Museum of Art in Orlando, FL, 21 Century Arts in Savanna, GA, and The Arts and Empowerment Project in Charlotte, NC.
Ms. Meikle occasionally teaches one-on-one sessions with teens, or small private groups with children. Click here to schedule!
2017 - Present
She started hosting figure drawing at Unorthodox Studios (RIP2020) when they first opened in 2017. She has since then facilitated, created curriculums, and taught at McColl Center, The Bechtler, Free Range Brewery, and The VAPA Center.
2022 - Present
Ms. Meikle has had the pleasure of teaching Culture Blocks classes with The Light Factory, Arts Plus, and Mert Jones inc. These classes ranged from gelli plate mono printing, cyanotypes, painting, jewelry making, and more.